Thursday 31 December 2015

Advanced Style New Year's Resolutions

Life is very interesting if you live it fully aware. There is no such thing as boredom, it needs to be still sometimes.
-Beatrix Ost
 In 2016, I will love and cherish my wonderful family and friends more than ever and keep them close to me. I intend to Sing,Sing,Sing and to spread the pleasure and joy that music gives to me, to everyone I meet. I would also like to  bring the ADVANCED STYLE message to everyone woman I meet that Aging can be the most wonderful time of your life. I welcome 2016 with all the joys and challenges it may bring. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!                                                                           PEACE, LOVE, CHEERS. XXXXXX-Joyce Carpati
 Hoping to push boundaries in 2016!
-Sarah Jane Adams
 I have been celebrating the new year since the year 1923. The year I was born. Every year has been an amazing year to be alive. I suspect 2016 will also be a wonderful year to be alive. I look forward with thrilling anticipation, love and joy. Just BEING and accepting and welcoming each and every challenge in this coming year.  Joy to the world and 2016! – Phyllis Sues
My resolution for the New Year is one that I have been striving to achieve each new year for the last many decades. In many traditions; from the Cabbala, to mystical Christianity there is a belief that how we behave and go about the first 12 days of the new year is a metaphor for the next 12 months. In other words the 1st day of the year determines the first month, the second day, the second month and so on. To ensure a bright start we should set intentions, record only positive, luminous thoughts, feelings and actions. I am best able to do that alone and in silence, not in the midst of a lot of inconsequential chatter. Everyone has the opportunity to make such a choice, to withdraw for a part of each day into the private chamber within.

The year that we call NEW is not completely separate from the old. IN FACT ITS ALREADY old, because we human beings are old in our ways of thinking, feelings and habits.
If we intend to discard some of the weight of the past, and fill the vessel of the heart and mind with high ideals, the mind will obey, and also satisfy the soul that yearns for new values and desires. 
May we all be blessed in 2016

-Valerie von Sobel

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