Sunday 6 September 2015

Labor Day Weekend - Fun & Sales!

Hope everyone is having a fun 3-day weekend!  Here's a few sales to check out:

(Pic from Banana Republic)

  And here's a few snapshots of my fun adventure into the world of Comic Con this weekend.  

Any Buffy the Vampire Slayer fans from back in the day? I was a HUGE fan and was over the moon excited to get my picture taken with James Marsters/Spike!

James Marsters of Buffy the Vampire Slayer fame, Wizard World 2015

Hubby got his pic snapped with Jason Mewes (of Jay and Silent Bob fame).

Here's a collage of just a few of the weird and wonderful costumes from the show. 
(Talk about a good excuse to DRESS UP!  Next year!)

Hope all my readers are having a super fun good-bye-to-summer weekend!

Dawn Lucy

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